miércoles, 4 de julio de 2012

Your liver...

The Liver in Mythology

  • Prometheus was a Titan in Greek mythology who challenged Zeus's decision to destroy man and create a better race. Once their feud hit its climax, Zeus banished Prometheus to Mount Caucasus. On the mountain, an eagle ate pieces of Prometheus' liver daily, and each night the liver would grow back. In this way he suffered never-ending punishment until the Greek hero Herakles killed the eagle and saved Prometheus from the torture. Because of this myth it is thought by some that ancient Greek people must have had some idea of the regenerative qualities of the liver.

The liver is the largest organ of the body.
The liver affects nearly every physiological process of the body and performs over 500 different chemical functions

Every minute the human liver filters more than a liter of blood. All blood runs through the liver and it serves to filter out different toxins, including chemicals, alcohol and pesticides.

For women, consuming two to three drinks-including beer and wine-per day and for men, three to four drinks per day, can lead to liver damage and cirrhosis

Accidental cuts, or even intentional ones, would cause me to bleed to death without a liver to send ingredients to my blood to turn it to jelly, or clots.

A common sign of impaired liver function is jaundice, a yellowness of the eyes and skin arising from excessive bilirubin in the blood.

If your liver is not working good your stools can be white.. and your pee can turn black.

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